Four papers accepted in ACM CIKM 2022 (short papers)

Title: Context-aware Traffic Forecasting of New Roads
Author: Namhyuk Kim, Dong-Kyu Chae, Jung Ah Shin, Sang-Wook Kim, Duen Horng Chau and Sunghwan Park

Title: RealGraph-GPU: A High-Performance GPU-Based Graph Engine toward Large-Scale Real-World Network Analysis
Author: Myung-Hwan Jang, Yunyong Ko, Dongkyu Jeong, Jeong-Min Park and Sang-Wook Kim

Title: Is It Enough Just Looking at the Title?: Leveraging Body Text To Enrich Title Words Towards Accurate News Recommendation
Author: Taeho Kim*, Yungi Kim*, Yeon-Chang Lee, Won-Yong Shin and Sang-Wook Kim

Title: ST-GAT: Spatio-Temporal Graph Attention Network for Traffic Speed Prediction
Author: Junho Song, Dong-hyuk Seo, Jiwon Son, Namhyuk Kim and Sang-Wook Kim
